I have always had a knack for photography and the captured image. Since my early youth, I loved taking pictures of my peers in action, and the environment I was in, with disposable cameras.
As I grew older, my eye for composition got better. I was able to capture more stunning images with my parent’s new digital camera, and begged for my own. After a few years, my parents got me a nice new red Kodak for Christmas. It went everywhere with me, and has taken thousands of pictures, some of which are still amongst my best works.
For most of my career I have focused on landscape and special effects photography. I love to hike and bike and often see magnificent sights while out in the world. I love to take the emotion of nature, and the rapture of something that cannot be seen by the human eye, and capture it in a still frame that I can share with the world. Now more skilled, I have grown a respect for portraiture and the window into history it can provide. A portrait is more than a picture of a body; it’s a picture of an individual and their story, worth more than 1,000 words. Portraits from the past offer us a peek through a window of history. My goal is to create a window now that people generations from now will be able to look back through.
Photographs are more than a documentary or just a pretty picture, they are life stories.